Scott Andrew Bartley
This is the fourth installment in a series of articles about published Vermont town histories containing genealogical sections. These articles will cover all published histories to 2002. The entries below are in alphabetical order by town. Following the citation for each town history is an alphabetical list of all surnames included in the history. A future installment will rearrange the material and provide a comprehensive surname index to all published Vermont town histories that feature a genealogical section.
Previous installments of this series are as follows:
Part one was published June 2002 and covered the towns Albany to Brattleboro. (The introduction of part one summarizes the history of printing in Vermont and identifies a few of the earliest and most notable Vermont town histories.)
Part two was published July 2002 and covered Brookfield to Isle La Motte
Part three was published August 2002 and covered Jamaica to Pittsford
The installment that follows covers the towns Pittsford to Shoreham.
Jean S. Davies, Margaret Armitage, Lois Blittersdorf, and Jean Harvie, Pittsford’s Second Century: 1872-1997 (Pittsford, Vt., 1998), p. 525-703, indexed.
Adams, Aldrich, Alexander, Allen, Anderson, Armitage, Atwood, Austin, Autenrieth, Ayres, Baker, Ballou, Barnard, Barnes, Basque, Bassett, Bates, Bean, Becker, Belcher, Belden, Benson, Beriau, Bernier, Bessette, Birchard, Birmingham, Bishop, Blackmer, Blaisdell, Blanchard, Blittersdorf, Bogue, Bohnemann, Booker, Booth, Bouchard, Bowen, Bowman, Bresee, Bridges, Brod, Browe, Brower, Brown, Bruce, Brzezicke, Bump, Burbank, Burditt, Burr, Burt, Bushey, Buzzell, Cadwell, Cady, Cameron, Candon, Cantrell, Carlson, Carrara, Carrigan, Carter, Carvey, Case, Casey, Cassidy, Cavar, Cecot, Champine, Chapin, Chastaine, Cheney, Chicoine, Christmas, Churchill, Chutter, Clark, Clerihew, Clifford, Colburn, Comeau, Congdon, Conway, Cooper, Cormier, Coursey, Crahan, Davenport, Davies, Davis, Decker, Degenhardt, Delliveneri, DeLong, Denison, Denny, D’Esposito, Dickerman, Didriksen, Dimick, Dinn, Doaner, Dow, Drake, Droll, Drown, Drummond, Duffy, Dunklee, Dunphy, Durgin, Duskett, Dutton, Eayres, Edwards, Elliott, Ellison, Elnicki, Eugair, Fallon (Falloon or Fitton), Fenton, Fernandes, Ferraro, Fifield, Fish, Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick, Fleming, Flood, Flory, Fowler, Fox, Fracht, Fredette, Freeman, Frett, Frick, Frost, Gagnon, Gallipo, Gallus, Gardiner, Gates, Gaudreau, Gecha, Geno, Giddings, Gienty, Gladski, Goodnough, Grace, Greeno, Grimes, Griswold, Guyette, Gyorfi, Hagan, Hall, Halpin, Haluska, Hamilton, Hard, Harnish, Hartenstein, Harvey, Harvie, Harwood, Hasbrouck, Haskins, Hathaway, Haviland, Hawley, Hayes, Heath, Hendee, Hennessey, Hesse, Hession, Hewitt, Hier, Hinds, Hitchcock, Hoare, Hofmann, Holden, Holmes, Hooker, Hopkins, Hudson, Jackson, Jewett, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Kaldy, Kallen, Kamuda, Keith, Kelley, Kellogg, Kendall, Kenny, Ketcham, Killoran, Kingsley, Kish, Klein, Kovolick, Kratky, Kratz, Kurant, Lacy, Ladabouche, Landon, LaPine, Latuch, Laughlin, LeDuc, Leonard, Lester, Liebhaber, Ligouri, Linden, Lothrop, Lovejoy, Loveland, Lundrigan, Macek, Mach, Mackell, MacKenzie, Macomber, Magoon, Mahler, Mailhiot, Mandigo, Markowski, Marnell, Martin, McCarthy, McCormick, McCullough, McDevitt, McDuff, McGee, McKinlay, McLaughlin, McQuaid, McRae, Meade, Mills, Mitchell, Molaski, Molnar, Moncrief, Mooney, Moran, Morgan, Nash, Neil, Nicholas, Nixon, Noyes, O’Brien, O’Donnell, O’Handley, Oles, O’Neil(l), Palmer, Parker, Patch, Paul, Paynter, Peabody, Pelkey, Perrin, Pfadt, Pfenning, Phelps, Phillips, Pierce, Pike, Pilcher, Pill, Ploof, Plumb, Pocock, Poljacik, Pomainville, Poremski, Poreau (Poro), Powers, Pratt, Provin, Pyle, Rademacher, Raleigh, Rand, Randall, Rantanen, Rasmussen, Rathjen, Reed, Reynolds, Rich, Rider, Rivers, Roberts, Robichaud, Robinson, Rogers, Rost, Rouleau, Rowe, Rowland, Rusin, Ryan, Ryder, Sagi, Sanderson, Sargent, Scarcello, Schmidt, Scottow, Searles, Sharrow, Shaw, Sheldon, Shortsleeves, Sienkiewicz, Silvestro, Sinclair, Sird, Skira, Smith, Snow, Soulia, Spaulding, Spensley, Sposta, Steeves, Stevens, Stewart, Stiles, Stimson, Stoddard, Sullivan, Sunderland, Sviatopolk, Swift, Taft, Taranovich, Taylor, Temple, Tennien, Terounzo, Terwilliger, Thayer, Thomas, Thompson, Tiffany, Timbers, Tompkins, Tottingham, Trombly, Tumielwiez, Turner, Vaillancourt, Van Kleef, Varney, Volkomer, Ward, Weaver, Weeden, Welch, Westin, Wheeler, White, White, Whitney, Whittemore, Wilcox, Wilczynski, Willard, Willis, Wilson, Wimett, Withnell, Wood(s), Worosila, Wright, Zelazny.
Blance Brown Bryant and Gertrude Elaine Baker, Genealogical Records of Founders and Early Settlers of Plymouth Vermont (DeLand, Fla., 1967), 422 pp., and reprinted as Early Settlers Plymouth Vermont: Including Their Genealogical Records (Springfield, Vt., rev. ed., 1975), alphabetical order with “miscellaneous families” at the end [* means not in first edition], 471 pp.
Adams, Ayer*, Ballard, Blanchard, Boynton, Briggs, Brown, Burt, Carlisle, Carpenter, Chamberlain*, Clark, Cook*, Coolidge, Cross*, Cutler*, Davis*, Dix, Earle, Eaton, Farrar*, Ferrin*, Fletcher, Foster*, Franklin, French*, Gale*, Gilson*, Green, Grover*, Hadley*, Hall, Hayes, Headle*, Henzey*, Hubbard, Hudson*, Johnson, Jones, Josselyn, Lakin*, Lynds, Marsh*, Moor, Moore, Morgan*, Mudge, Nichols*, Page, Pelton, Pierce*, Pinney, Pollard, Pratt*, Prentice*, Priest, Sargent, Sawyer, Scott, Slack, Snow*, Spaulding, Sprague, Stickney, Sumner, Taylor, Thompson, Townsend, Tyson, Ward, Weaver, Weston, Wheeler, Whitney*, Wilder, Williams*, Willis*.
Henry Hobart Vail and Emma Chandler White, ed., Pomfret Vermont (Boston, 1930, in 2 vols.), “Biographies,” p. 339-384 [* means also included here], and “Genealogical Records,” p. 426-603. Both sections are found in volume 2.
Abbot(t), Adams*, Ainsworth, Alger, Allen, Atwood, Badcock, Badger, Bailey, Baker, Ball, Ballard, Barnes, Barrows, Bass, Bassett, Beebe, Bennet, Billings, Bingham, Bishop, Blair, Blanchard, Bowker, Boyd, Brailey, Bridge, Brockway, Brownell, Bruce, Bugbee, Burbank, Burke, Burnham, Burns, Carnes, Carpenter, Chaffee, Chamberl(a)in, Chandler*, Chedel, Child, Churchill, Claflin, Clark, Clifford, Conant, Crooker, Crowley, Culver, Cummings, Curtis, Cushing, Cushman, Dana, Darling, Davis, Day, Deake, Deane, Dexter, Doton*, Doubleday, Doubledee, DeWolf, Dresser, Drew, Durkee, Dutton, Duty, Dwyer, Emerson, Fales, Faneuf, Fay, Fenno, Fletcher, Follett, Fraser, Freeleigh, Freeley*, Freeman, Fuller, Gibson, Goff, Gould, Green, Griswold, Hadley, Hall, Harding, Harlow, Harrington, Hathaway, Hawkins*, Hayden, Hayes, Hazen, Head, Henry, Hewitt, Hodges, Holmes, Hooper, Horr, Houghton, Howard, Howland, Hoyt, Humphrey, Hutchinson*, Jackman, Keith, Kemp, Kimball, King, Kingsley, Knight, Lake, Lamb, Lamberton, Lamphear, Lazell, Leavitt, LeBaron, Leonard, Lewis, Lovell, Lyman, Lyon, McClaflin, Marsh, Mason*, Matthews, Maxham, Melendy, Merritt, Miller*, Milliken, Mitchell, Moore, Morris, Morse, Nassau, Newton, Noonan, Paddock, Page, Pain(e), Pakhurst, Patten, Patterson, Paul, Peake, Perkins*, Perrin, Perry, Pierce, Porter, Powers, Pratt, Priest, Ralph, Raymond, Reed, Reynolds, Richardson, Richmond, Rogers, Ruggles, Russ, Russell, Salisbury, Seaver, Sessions, Sherburne, Skinner, Slocomb, Smith, Snell, Snow, Spear, Sterling, Stevenson, Strong, Thacher, Thompson, Throop(e), Tinkham, Tribou, Tyler, Udall, Vail*, Vaughan, Walcott, Waldo, Wallace, Ware*, Warren*, Washburn, Waters, Watkins, Watrous, Weeks, Wheat, Wheeler, Whipple, White, Whitman, Williamson, Wilson, Winslow, Wood, Wyatt, Yeaton.
J. Joslin, B. Frisbie, and F. Ruggles, A History of the Town of Poultney, Vermont, from its Settlement to the Year 1875, with Family and Biographical Sketches and Incidents (Poultney, Vt., 1875), p. 197-365.
Adams, Allen, Ames, Andrus, Angevine, Armstrong, Ashley, Austin, Babcock, Bailey, Ballard, Barber, Barker, Bateman, Beach, Beals, Beaman, Bent, Besse, Bliss, Boomer, Bosworth, Broughton, Brown, Brownson, Buckland, Buel, Bull, Campbell, Canfield, Chandler, Clark, Cleveland, Codman, Cox, Crittenden, Culver, Dana, Dean, Derby, Dewey, Dye, Eddy, Edgerton, Everts, Farnum, Farwell, Fenton, Fifield, Finel, Frisbie, Fuller, Gibson, Giddings, Goodrich, Gorham, Grant, Green, Hall, Harris, Haskins, Hawes, Herrick, Hibbard, Hickok, Hooker, Hotchkiss, Howe, Hull, Humphrey, Hyde, Jenks, Jones, Joslin, Johnson, Kellogg, Kendrick, Kinne, Knapp, Lamb, Lamson, Lawrence, Leffingwell, Lewis, Mallory, Mannings, Maranville, Marshall, Martin, McLeod, Mears, Miller, Monroe, Morrill, Morse, Morgan, Neal, Newman, Norton, Noyes, Palmer, Parker, Parsons, Pease, Perry, Pierce, Pond, Poor, Preston, Prindle, Rann, Ransom, Reading, Rice, Richardson, Ripley, Rogers, Ross, Rowe, Ruggles, Safford, Sanford, Satterlee, Scott, Scribner, Sherman, Smith, Spaulding, Sprague, Stanley, Stevens, Thompson, Todd, Turner, Ward, Watkins, Watson, Webster, Wells, Wheeler, Whitney, Williams, Wood, Woodman.
Edith DeWolfe, Lura H. Frost, Edith I. Gassett, Inez S. Harlow, and Elizabeth G. Scott, The History of Putney 1753-1953 ([Putney], Vt., 1953), p. 174-214, alphabetical.
Aiken, Allen, Aplin, Austin, Bennett, Blanchard, Blood, Braley, Burditt, Churchill, Cobb, Cory, Crawford, Drown, Foster, Gassett, Haile, Hannum, Houghton, Ingalls, Joslyn, Kathan, Kerr, Keyes, Lord, Martenis, Newcomb, Peirce, Page, Parker, Patterson, Perry, Read, Sabin, Shaw, Smith, Temple, Thwing, Townshend, Upham, Ware, Washburn, White, Willard, Wilson, Wood.
The People of Putney 1753-1953 ([Putney], Vt., 1953), “Historical Sketches,” p. 1-29, and “Putney Sons and Daughters,” p. 30-40, in no order.
Bugbee, Campbell, Cole, Corser, Crawford, Foster, Gardner, Goodhue, Haile, Hewett, Houghton (both sections), Johnson (both sections), Keyes, Kimball, Knight, Larkin, Lord, Marcy, Noyes, Parker, Pember, Pierce (both sections), Plantz, Pratt, Prouty, Robertson, Sabin, Sargent, Stacey, Thwing, Vaughan, Washburn (both sections), White.
Gilbert A. Davis, Centennial Celebration, together with an Historical Sketch of Reading, Windsor County, Vermont, and its Inhabitants from the First Settlement of the Town to 1874 (Bellows Falls, Vt., 1874), “Personal and Family Recollections,” p. 117-169. These short sketches are part of a rough alphabetical list. There are many names not listed here as they provide only an occupation and spouse.
Allen, Amsden, Bailey, Buck, Burnham, Chaplin, Clark, Dexter, Forbush, Fullam, Gilson, Goddard, Hawkins, Hathorn, Holden, Holmes, Ide (out of sequence), Jones, Kendall, Keyes, Pratt, Ralph, Rich, Robinson, Sawyer, Shedd, Stearns, Stone, Swain, Thomas, Townsend, Wardner, Watkins, Weston, White, Whitmore, Wilkins.
Gilbert A. Davis, History of Reading, Windsor County Vermont: Volume II (S.l., 1903), p. 141-320, indexed.
Abbott, Amsden, Bailey, Baldwin, Bixby, Bolles, Bowen, Brown, Buck, Cady (in two places), Chase, Clark (in three places), Cooke, Coolidge (in two places), Davis (in two places), Eastman, Estabrook, Fay (in two places), Felch, Forbush, Goddard, Hammond, Hapgood, Hawkins, Hawthorne, Herrick, Hewlet, Keyes (in two places), Mahoney, Merrill, Morgan, Osborne, Pember, Ray, Robinson (in two places), Small, Stearns, Swain, Thomas, Townsend, Wetherbee, White (in two places), Wilkins, Whitmore.
Leon Gibson, Genealogy of Early Settlers of Richford (photocopy, 1990), photocopies of column written for the Richford Gazette from 1935 to 1936, indexed.
Armes, Blaisdell, Bliss, Carpenter, Combs, Corliss, Davis, Farrar, Fletcher, Goff, Gross, Heath, Hopkins, James, Noyes, Powell, Rogers, Rounds, Sears, Smith, White.
Lyman Simpson Hayes, History of the Town of Rockingham, Vermont, Including the Villages of Bellows Falls, Saxtons River, Rockingham, Cambridgeport and Bartonsville 1753-1907 (Lynn, Mass., 1907), indexed, p. 569-806, “Additional Families,” p 806-811, noted by *, indexed.
Adams, Aldrich, Alexander, Alger, Allbee, Amadon, Arms, Atkinson, Babbitt, Bailey, Ball, Bancroft, Barber, Barron, Barry, Barton, Baxter, Belknap, Bellows, Benton, Billings, Bingham, Blake, Blodgett, Bolles, Bowtell, Bridgman, Brown (and *), Brockway, Burt (and *), Butterfield, Buxton, Campbell, Cannon, Capron*, Carter, Chandler, Chapin, Chase, Church, Clark, Closson, Conant, Coolidge, Corbally, Corlew, Cragin, Cushing, Cutler, Damon, Dascomb, Davis, Day, Derby, Divoll, Dodge, Dorand, Dutton, Earle, Eaton, Eddy, Elliott, Emery, Estabrook, Evans, Fairbanks, Farnsworth, Farrand, Felt, Field, Finley, Fleming, Fraser, Frost, Gage, George, Glynn, Goodridge, Gorham*, Granger*, Grant, Graves, Gray, Green, Griswold, Guild, Hadwen, Hale, Hall, Halladay, Hapgood, Harriman, Haselton, Hayes, Hazelton, Hemphill, Henry, Hills, Hitchcock, Hoit, Holton, Howard, Hubbard, Hughes, Hyde (and *), Jackson, Johnson, Jones, Johnson, Keith, Kellogg, Kidder, Kimball, Kirkland, Knight, Lake, Lawrence, Leach, Leonard, Liddle, Locke, Lovell, Meacham, Minard, Miner, Moore, Morgan, Morrison, Nichols, Nourse*, Nutting, Ober, O’Brien, Olcott, Osgood, Perham, Perry, Pettengill, Pettes, Phelps, Pierce, Porter, Proctor, Pulsipher, Rand, Ray, Read, Richards, Robbins, Robertson, Rogers, Roundy, Rudden*, Russell, Ryder, Sabin, Safford, Saker, Sanderson, Sanford, Sargeant, Scofield, Simonds, Skinner, Slate, Smith, Snow, Spaulding, Stoddard, Stone, Storer, Stoughton, Stowell, Stuart, Swain, Taft, Taylor, Thayer, Thompson, Thrasher, Towns, Tucker, Vilas, Wales, Walker, Weaver, Webb, Welch, Wentworth, Weston, Wheeler, White, Whiting, Whitney, Wilbur, Wilcox, Wilder, Wiley, Williams, Wilson, Wolfe, Woods, Wright, Wyman.
Frances Stockwell Lowell and Leverett C. Lowell, History of the Town of Rockingham Vermont Including the Villages of Bellows Falls, Saxtons River, Rockingham, Cambridgeport and Bartonsville 1907-1957 with Family Genealogies (Bellows Falls, Vt., 1958), indexed, p. 437-493, (separate index for genealogies).
Amadon, Babbitt, Bacon, Bancroft, Belknap, Bolles, Bowen, Brown, Bussey, Cady, Capron, Cobb, Dascomb, Davis, Divoll, Dowlin, Earle, Fleming, Frost, Fuller, George, Goodridge, Griswold, Grout, Hadley, Hall, Halladay, Harwood, Hayes, Hayward (Howard), Hutchins, Jones, Keane, Kelley, Knight, Lake, Lawrence, Leach, Leen(e), Lowell, Marsh, Minard, Morrison, Neill, O’Brien, Osgood, Peck, Pulsipher, Putnam, Rice, Riley, Robertson, Roundy, Rudden, Ryder, Sanborn, Severens, Simon(d)s, Stockwell, Stoddard, Stowell, Switzer, Thayer, Wales, Webb, Weston, Wetherbee, Wiley, Wilson, Wood, Woodford, Wright.
Gladness Wharton Luce, Hamlet in the Hills: The Story of Parker Hill, [Rockingham-Springfield], Vermont (Canaan, N.H., 1979).
Carey, Closson, Cutler, Damon, Fletcher, Hadwen, Harlow, Nourse, Safford, Tanner, Thayer, Walker, White.
Evelyn M. Wood Lovejoy, History of Royalton, Vermont with Family Genealogies 1769-1911 (Burlington, Vt., 1911), indexed, volume II or p. 635-1056 (including Addenda and Errata [was issued both as a single volume and two volumes].
Abbott, Adams, Allen, Ames, Ashcroft, Ashley, Atherton, Atwood, Back, Backus, Bacon, Bailey, Baker, Ballou, Banister, Barnes, Barrett, Barthololemew, Bartlett, Bean, Beedle, Belding, Belknap, Bennett, Benson, Benton, Bigelow, Bill, Billings, Bingham, Black, Blake, Bliss, Blodgett, Bloss, Boardman, Bosworth, Bowen, Bowman, Boyd, Bradstreet, Bright, Brooks, Brown, Brownell, Buck, Burbank, Button, Cady, Carver, Chamberlain, Chase, Cheney, Child, Church, Clapp, Clark, Cleveland, Cloud, Cole, Corbin, Cotton, Cowdery, Coy, Crandall, Culver, Curtis, Cutter, Dana, Danforth, Davis, Day, Denison, Densmore, Dewey, Dodge, Doubleday, Downer, Doyle, Drew, Dunham, Durkee, Dutton, Dyer, Eaton, Ellis, Emerson, Evans, Fairbanks, Faneuf, Fee, Felch, Fish, Flint, Flynn, Follett, Folsom, Foster, Fowler, Fox, Francis, Freeman, French, Gage, Galusha, Gardner, Gates, Gifford, Gilbert, Gillett, Goddard, Goff, Goodell, Graves, Green, Hackett, Hall, Handy, Hartwell, Harvey, Haskell, Hatch, Havens, Haynes, Henry, Hewitt, Hibbard, Hicks, Hinkley, Holt, Howard, Howe, Howland, Hunt, Hunter, Huntington, Hutchinson, Ingraham, Joiner, Jones, Joy, Kendall, Kenney, Kent, Kenworthy, Kimball, Kingsbury, Kinney, Kinsman, Kneeland, Laird, Lamb, Lamphere, Latham, Lathrop, Leavitt, Lee, Leonard, Lesure, Lincoln, Lindley, Lougee, Lovejoy, Luce, Lyman, Lyon, Manchester, Manning, Marcy (only in front as a special sketch), Marshall, Martin, Mason, Maxham, McCullough, McKenstry, Metcalf, Merrill, Miles, Miller, Mills, Moore, Morey, Morgan, Morrill, Morse, Mosher, Moxley, Nevens, Noble, Northrop, Osgood, Packard, Page, Park, Parker, Parkhurst, Partridge, Paul, Perrin, Phelps, Pierce, Pike, Pinney, Pixley, Plaisted, Preston, Ray, Reynolds, Rice, Richardson, Riggs, Rix, Robinson, Rogers, Root, Ross, Royce, Rude, Rugg, Rumrill, Russ, Russell, Safford, Sanborn, Sargent, Sawyer, Searle, Sewall, Shepard, Shipman, Shirlock, Skinner, Slack, Slafter, Smith (also special sketch in front on Joseph Smith), Snow, Soper, Southard, Spalding, Stanley, Stearns, Steele, Stevens, Stiles, Storrs, Stoughton, Taggart, Tarbell, Taylor, Tenney, Thacher, Thomas, Throop, Tolles, Trescott, Tucker, Tullar, Vesper, Viall, Walbridge, Walcott, Waldo, Waller, Ward, Washburn, Waterman, Webster, Wells, West, Wheat, Wheeler, Wheelock, Whitcomb, Whitney, Wight, Wild, Williams, Wills, Wilmot, Wilson, Winslow, Woodward, Woodworth, Wooley, Wynne, Yeaton, Young.
Hope Nash, Royalton Vermont (Royalton, Vt., 1975) , p. 191-252, indexed.
Abbott, Adams, Ainsworth, Alexander, Allen, Ballou, Barnes, Barrows, Beck, Belknap, Benson, Bigelow, Billings, Bingham, Blaisdell, Bliss, Bohonnon, Boyd, Brooks, Brown, Brownell, Buck, Burke, Caron, Carpenter, Chapman, Clifford, Cooley, Corwin, Cowdery, Crandall, Crawford, Davis, Dearing, Densmore, Dewey, Dodge, Doyle, Dukett, Dumville, Dutton, Eaton, Ellis, English, Folsom, Fowler, Frary, Gagne, Gates, Gilman, Goodrich, Hastings, Haynes, Hebard (Hibbard), Hinkley, Hodgdon, Howe, Howland, Hull, Hyde, Hyzer, Jones, Joslyn, Knight, Leavitt, Lemary, Lovejoy, Luce, Lyman, McCullough, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Metcalf, Miller, Moore, Morse, Moses, Mudgett, Nash, Noble, Olmstead, Perley, Perrin, Piper, Post, Powers, Richardson, Roberts, Robinson, Rogers, Rousseau, Rowell, Russ, Russell, Shepard, Shirlock (Sherlock), Slack, Smith, Spalding, Stanley, Stearns, Stiles, Tenney, Trottier, Turner, Van Deusen, Vesper, Waldo, Waterman, West, Wheeler, Whitcomb, White, Whitham, Whitney, Wild, Wilmot, Woodward, Yeaton.
George S. Hibbard, Rupert, Vt.: Historical and Descriptive, 1761-1898 (Rutland, Vt., 1899), “Prominent Early Settlers,” p. 148-157; “The Men of the Century,” p. 158-189; “The Men of To-day,” p. 190-206; and “Additional Biography,” p. 209-211 [no order and can be in more than one place]. Sketches give few dates.
Austin, Ayres, Bailey, Baldridge, Ballard, Barber, Barden, Beattie, Beebe, Bentley, Bibens, Bizallion, Black, Bonneville, Bowen, Brewster, Brooks, Buel, Burk, Burton, Carpenter, Carver, Cass, Clark, Cochran, Conant, Cooley, Crandall, Cruikshank, Curtis, Danforth, Denio, Dennison, Derby, Doig, Dole, Eastman, Ellsworth, Elwell, Ewen, Farrar, Fisher, Flower, Fonda, Frost, Gallup, Gookins, Gragen, Graves, Guild, Hadaway, Hanna, Hanson, Harmon, Harvey, Harwood, Hastings, Hay, Hayes, Hibbard, Higgens, Hogle, Holmes, Hopkins, Howard, Howlett, Hurd, Jameson, Jenkins, Jenks, Jennings, Johnson, Jones, Kinne, Knights, Leach, Leavitt, Lewis, License, Lincoln, Loveland, Lucia, Marshall, Mason, Mattison, Mawhiney, McCall, McKeighan, Moncrief, Moore, Morehouse, Morey, Mullen, Nelson, Noble, Orr, Parker, Parrish, Patrick, Peltier, Pepper, Perkins, Perrin, Phelps, Phillips, Prescott, Prindle, Rafter, Raymond, Reed, Richey, Rising, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Rogers, Root, Rush, Safford, Sanders, Scott, Shaw, Sheldon, Sherman, Smith, Spencer, Stearns, Sweet, Sykes, Taylor, Thompson, Tifft, Tobin, Tooper, Towsley, Trumbull, Turner, Vail, Wade, Wakely, Walsh, Warner, Waters, Watrous, Weed, Wescott, West, Wetherell, Whedon, Wheeler, White,Wilder, Wilson, Winchester, Wiseman, Witmer, Wood, Wooward, Youlen, Young.
Marvel G. Swan and Donald P. Swain, Dawn D. Hance, ed., Early Families of Rutland, Vermont (Rutland, Vt., 1990), 464 pp., indexed.
Alvord, Ames, Andrews, Bailey, Baldwin, Barnes, Barney, Barr, Barrett, Bateman, Beach, Beaman, Beebe, Bell, Billings, Bissell, Blanchard, Boardman, Boland, Bowker, Brown, Buel, Burdick, Burt, Butler, Butman, Campbell, Capron, Carruth, Chatterton, Cheney, Claghorn, Colton, Converse, Cook, Cornell, Cornish, Curtis, Cushman, Daniels, Deland, Dennison, Dewey, Dunklee, Dyer, Eayres, Farmer, Fay, Fenn, Fenton (Finten), Foot, Ford, Foster, Freeman, Fuller, Gates, Giddings, Gleason, Goddard, Gookin, Gorham, Gould, Gove, Graves, Green, Greeno, Hale, Hall, Harmon, Harris, Hart, Hawkes, Hawley, Haynes, Hewitt, Himes, Hooker, Howe, Humphrey, Jackson, Johnson, Keller, Kelley, Kimball, Kingsley, Kirkaldie, Knight, Ledgett, Lee, Lester, Long, Lord, Loveland, Mattocks, Maynard, McConnell, Meacham, Mead, Miller, Moon, Moses, Moulthrop, Munger, Mussey, Osgood, Page, Paige, Pierpoint, Pooler, Porter, Post, Pratt, Purdy, Ramsdell, Ratz, Reed, Reynolds, Roberts, Roots, Ruggles, Seward, Shaw, Sheldon, Slason, Smith, Squire, Storer, Stratton, Strong, Sullings, Sutherland, Temple, Thrall, Todd, Tuttle, Walker, Ward, Watkins, Webber, Weller, Wheeler, Wheelock, Whipple, Whitney, Williams, Williams, Willis, Winchell, Wright.
Edward Miller and Frederick P. Wells, History of Ryegate, Vermont, from its Settlement by the Scotch-American Company of Farmers to Present Time (St. Johnsbury, Vt., 1913; rep. S.l., 1974), p. 273-581, “index to connected families [i.e. parents].
Abbott, Adams, Akin, Allan, Allen, Anderson, Armour, Arthur, Bachop, Beaton, Beattie, Bigelow, Blair, Bole, Bolkum, Bone, Brock, Brown, Buchanan, Burbank, Caldwell, Cameron, Canfield, Carbee, Carpenter, Carter, Chamberlin, Clark, Clough, Coburn, Cochran, Colburn, Collins, Cowles, Craig, Cragie, Crowe, Crozier, Currier, Darling, Davidson, Dawin (Doyen), Dickey, Dickson, Doe, Donaldson, Douglas, Dunn, Dunnett, Dunsyre, Esden, Farrow, Farquharson, Finlay, Fisk, Flagg, Folger, Forsyth, Fuller, Gardner, Gates, Gebbie, George, Gibson, Gilfillan, Goodwin, Grant, Gray, Gregg, Guthrie, Hall, Harvey, Hatt, Heath, Henderson, Henry (Hendry), Hill, Holmes, Holt, Hooper, Hosmer, Hunt, Hunter, Hyndman, Ingalls, Jackson, Johnson, Johnston, Keenan, Kellogg, Kendall, Knight, Lang, Latto, Laughlin, Leitch, Low(e), Lumsden, Manchester, Mason, McAllister, McArthur, McColl, McDonald, McDowell, McFarland, McKeith, McKinley, McKirahan, McLam, McLaughlin, McLeod, McLure, Meader, Miller, Milligan, Millis, Mills, Moore, Morrill, Morrison, Morse, Nelson, Noyes, Orr, Page, Park, Patterson, Perry, Peters, Pollock, Powers, Pringle, Quint, Reede, Reid, Renfrew, Rhodes, Ricker, Ritchie, Roben, Ronalds, Sanderson, Sargent, Savage, Scot, Shaw, Slye, Smith, Somers, Stewart, Stuart, Symes, Taplin, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Trask, Twaddle, Vance, Waddell, Wallace, Warden, Wason, Webster, Welch, White, Whitehill, Whitelaw, Whittaker, Wiley, Wood, Wormwood, Wright.
John M. Weeks, History of Salisbury, Vermont With a Memoir of the Author (Middlebury, Vt., 1860), p. 317-345, biographical sketches in random order.
Beach, Blodgett, Briggs, Bump, Chase, Cheney, Copeland, Crook, Daniels, Deming, Dyer, Everts, Farnham, Field, Flagg, Fyfe, Graves, Griswold, Hard, Holt, Howard, Hubbard, Johnson, Keep, Kelsey, Lawrence, Matthews, Moosman, More, Morton, Newton, Noyes, Pierce, Pratt, Prout, Ranney, Savary, Saxton, Sheldon, Smead, Smith, Spencer, Story, Strong, Taylor, Thomas, Titus, Wainwright, Waterhouse, Waterous, Weeks, White, Whitney.
Saxtons River see Rockingham (1980).
Madeline C. Fleming, An Informal History of the Town of Sherburne, Vermont Chartered as Killington, 1761 ([Rutland], Vt., rev. ed., 1972), scattered sketches, p. 20A-B, 58-59, 98-101, 116, indexed.
Anthony, Bates, Clement, Colton, Estabrook, Rhodes, West, Wood.
Susan Holt MacIntire and Sanford Stowell Witherell, A Genealogical Register of the Early Families of Shoreham, Vermont 1761-1899 (Rutland, Vt., 1984), 272 pp., indexed in Supplement (see next entry).
Abda, Ames, Anderson, Armstrong, Atwood, Auchman, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Barnum, Bascom, Bass, Bateman, Beaudoine (later Baldwin), Beckwith, Beeman, Belden, Bemis, Bennett, Benton, Bessette, Birchard, Bisbee, Bissell, Blair, Blinn, Bordeau, Bowker, Brileya, Brisson, Brookins, Brown, Burge, Burgess, Burleigh, Burnell, Bush, Butler, Buttolph, Callender, Carrier, Carty, Cary, Caswell, Catlin, Chamberlain, Chipman, Conant, Cook, Cooper, Crego, Cudworth, Culver, Cutter, Cutting, Dana, Dandurand, Delano, Delong, Denton, Derby, Desjadon, DeWitt, Doane, Doolittle, Douglas, Duffany, Dumas, Dunn, Eager, Edwards, Elithorpe, Everest, Farnham, Farr, Fenn, Fenton, Field, Flagg, Flint, Fobes, Forbes, Frost, Fuller, Gale, Garvey, Gates, Gibbs, Goodrich, Gould, Goyette, Gregoire, Grimes, Hand, Harrington, Harris, Hathorne, Haven, Hawes, Healy, Heitmann, Hemenway, Hendee, Hickok, Higley, Hitchcock, Hogle, Holbrook, Holley, Houghton, Howard, Howe, Hunsdon, Hunt, Hunter, Huntington, Jenison, Johnson, Jones, Kellogg, LaMarque, Lamb, Landers, Langlois, Lapell, Lapham, Larrabee, Lawrence, Leonard, Littlejohn, L’Hommedieu, Lyman, Macauley, Marsh, Matot, Mazuzan, McClallen, McFerson, McGinity, McGuiness, McIntire, McMackin (before Marsh), Mills, Mead, Mintern, Moore, Morton, Myrick, Names, Needham, Newell, Newton, North, Northrup, Norton, Ormsbee, O’Rourke, Orvis, Page, Palmer, Papineau, Parish, Peake, Pelkey, Peltier, Perry, Phelps, Platt, Pond, Porter, Powers, Prunier, Ramsdell, Randall, Rathbun, Rich, Robinson, Rowley, Russell, Sanford, Sealy, Severance, Simonds, Sisson, Skeels, Slaon, Smedley, Smith, Snow, Stanley, Stickney, Stiles, Stokes, Straight, Strong, Sullivan, Sunderland, Sweat, Todriff, Tottingham, Tower, Towner, Townsend, Tracy, Treadway, Trombley, Turrill, Vaughn, Wait(e), Walker, Wallace, Ward, Warner, Warren, Watson, Webster, Wheeler, White, Wilder, Williams, Wilson, Wines, Winchester, Wisell, Witherell, Wolcott, Woods, Wright.