Scott Andrew Bartley
This is the second installment in a series of articles about published Vermont town histories containing genealogical sections. These articles will cover all published histories to 2002. The entries below are in alphabetical order by town. Following the citation for each town history is an alphabetical list of all surnames included in the history. A future installment will rearrange the material and provide a comprehensive surname index to all published Vermont town histories that feature a genealogical section.
Part one of this series was published in June 2002 and covered the towns Albany to Brattleboro. The introduction of part one summarizes the history of printing in Vermont and identifies a few of the earliest and most notable Vermont town histories.
The installment that follows covers the towns Brookfield to Isle LaMotte.
Alice Webster Wakefield, West Brookfield and Thereabouts (S.l., 1985), p. 130-145
Blanchard, Bowman, Boyce, Call, Colgan, Cram, Drown, Flint, Fulham, Jobes, Kidder, MacDougall, Maloney, Small, Sumner, Thayer, Untiedt, Wakefield, Webster, Williams
History of Brookfield (Brookfield, VT, 1987), 189-283, indexed (does not include genealogies)
Abbott, Adams, Angell, Austin, Bagley, Baker, Beard, Bigelow, Bixby, Blodgett, Braley, Brassard, Brown, Burnham, Bushey, Chase, Church, Churchill, Clark, Collins, Colt, Cotton, Cross, Davis, Dewey, Durkee, Dwinell, Edson, Ellis, Farnsworth, Fisk, Fletcher, Freeman, Frink, Fullam, Gage, Griswold, Hall, Hamblin, Harford, Harrington, Herrick, Hibbard, Holden, Holman, Hovey, Howe, Hutchinson, Hyde, Jones, Kingsbury, Knowles, Lamson, Martin, Mason, Morse, Newton, Parmenter, Patterson, Peake, Peck, Perry, Pettengill, Reed, Smith, Snow, Spencer, Sprague, Steele, Stoddard, Stone, Stratton, Tabor, Taylor, Trask, Upham, Vernon, Wakefield, Walbridge, Wardner, Wheatley, Wilcox, White, Williams, Wilson
Verne M. Hunter and Marjorie M. Carrier, History of Brunswick, Vermont (Littleton, N.H., 1977), p. 77-130 (under “Families,” though arranged by farms - many photographs)
Austin, Bates, Beattie, Boudle, Carr, Case, Damon, deBanville, Fitch, French, Graham, Hamilton, Hook, Hunter, Kenney, Lamoureux, Lesperance, Martin, Mason, Mills, Moulton, O’Dowd, Richards, Smith, Stockwell, Taylor, Whitaker
Linda Margaret Farr Welch, Families of Cavendish: The Early Settlers of the Black River Valley in Windsor County, Vermont: A Social and Genealogical History (Cavendish, VT, 1995-1998 in three vols.), each volume indexed separate
[Vol. 1] Adams, Baldwin, Coffeen, Dutton, Fletcher, Gilbert, Grout, Lowell, Proctor, Russell, Spofford, Wheeler
[Vol. 2] Hall, Parker, Pollard, Skinner, Spaulding
[Vol. 3] Adams, Blood, Burbank, French, Gammon, Giddings
Esther L. B. Hamilton, History of the Town of Charleston, Vermont (Navy, 1803-1825) (S.l., 1955, 2nd ed., 1976), 20-25, 69-73 (physicians), 79-81 (military), 82-84 (town officers), 85-122 (family histories), table of contents
Allton, Allyn, Andrews, Barney, Bennett, Bodgett, Bly, Buck, Canning, Chase, Colburn, Cole, Coruth, Coutts, Crowe, Dane, Davis, Driver, Dwire, Farmer, Fellows, Foster, Fuller, Gatchell, Hamilton, Harvey, Hastings, Hinman, Hinton, Holton, Hudson, Hunt, Huntoon, Kinne, Locke, Lyon, Moore, Morse, Moulton, Nelson, Oliver, Page, Parlin, Pearson, Pierce, Read, Royce, Sanderson, Shedd, Stevens, Stoddard, Tracey, Tripp, Weymouth, Whitcomb, Wilson, Wolcott, Worboys
Virginia Blake Clark, The Source: Popple Dungeon, Vermont. The Settlement, Farms and Genealogy of a Small Community in Vermont [Chester] (Charlestown, N.H. (?), 2000), “Genealogy” section, 97 pp., indexed (does include surname reference to genealogies only)
Aiken, Arnold, Atwood, Ayers, Blake, Clark, Cook, Davis, Dwinell, Dyer, Edson, Fletcher, French, Fuller, Goold/Gould, Howard, Marshall, Pierce, Stoodley, Warner, Williams
History of Corinth, Vermont 1764-1964 (West Topsham, VT, 1964, reprint 1973, 1976, and 1986), “Biographical Sketches and Family Records,” p. 307-500, indexed (does not include genealogies)
Aiken, Andrews, Atkins, Avery, Bagley, Bailey, Banfield (Banfill), Banks, Barnes, Beede, Berry, Bickford, Bixby, Blake, Bliss, Bombard, Bond, Bowen, Boyce, Brainerd, Brock, Brown, Bruleigh, Bugbee, Burgess, Burgin, Burnham, Burroughs, Butler, Butterfield, Carlson, Carpenter, Carr, Carter, Celley, Chalmers, Chamberlin, Chapman, Chase, Childs, Claflin, Clark, Clement, Colby, Coleman, Collins, Comstock, Cook(e), Corliss, Corruth, Cotey, Crafts, Craig, Crook, Currier, Danforth, Darling, Davis, Day, De Almeida, Dearborn, Dickey, Dickinson, Dimcey, Divoll, Doe, Dolloph, Dow, Drew, Dunham, Durgin, Easter, Eastman, Eaton, Edwards, Eggleston, Elliott, Emerson, Emery, Evans, Everett, Fanham, Farr, Fellows, Fifield, Fitts, Flanders, Fontaine, Forde, Fox, Frary, French, Fuller, Fulton, Gandy, George, Gilbert, Gilman, Gilmore, Green, Grow, Hale, Hall, Hamilton, Hansen, Harriman, Harris, Haseltine, Hastings, Hatch, Hatt, Haynes, Hayward, Heath, Henry, Hodge, Holland, Hollis, Hood, Hooker, Hopkins, Houle, Hoyt, Humphrey, Hunter, Huntington, Huntoon, Huse, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Hutton, Ingalls, Jackman, Jacobs, James, Jenne, Jewell, Johnson, Jordan, Kallberg, Kemp, Kennedy, Kezer, Kimball, Kineson, King, Knapp, Knight, Ladd, Lamb, Lea, Leavitt, Libbey, Linton, Litch, Little, Locke, Londry, Longo, Lovewell, Lucas, Lund, Magoon, Marston, Martin, Mason, Mathes, Mayhew, Maynard, McArthur, McCrillis, McCullough, McFarland, McKeen, McKenzie, McLam, McLeod, McNeice, McPherson, Mead, Merrill, Metcalf, Miles, Miller, Minard, Morse, Moulton, Mugford, Munn, Munson, Murphy, Norris, Nutting, Ordway, Ormsby, Orn, Orr, Page, Paine, Parker, Paronto, Pepper, Perdue, Perkins, Peterson, Pickles, Pierson, Pike, Piper, Porter, Powers, Pray, Prescott, Quimby, Raymond, Remington, Richardson, Robie, Rogers, Rood, Rowe, Rowell, Rowland, Russell, Ruter, Ryder, Saia, Salomaa, Sanborn, Santaw, Sargent, Sawyer, Scribner, Scruton, Shumway, Simonds, Simpson, Sinclair, Slack, Sleeman, Sleeper, Smart, Smith, Somers, Speare, Spencer, Staples, Stevens, Sumner, Sweet, Sykes, Tabor, Takala, Taplin, Templeton, Tenney, Theal, Thomas, Thompson, Thurber, Thurston, Tillotson, Towle, Towne, True, Tucker, Tullar, Twilight, Valiant, Van Bree, Walker, Ward, Washburn, Wason, Waters, Waugh, Way, Webster, Welch, Welton, White, Wiggin, Williams, Willis, Wilson, Winch, Winchester, Withington, Woodcock, Woods, Worthley, Young, Zwicker
Alice and Everdene Hood, History of Corinth, Vermont – II: 1964-1987: Genealogy Update (West Topsham, VT, 1987), 183 pp., surname index
Andrews, Avery, Banfield, Banks, Beede, Berry, Blake, Bombard, Bond, Bowen, Boyce, Brainerd, Brown, Bruleigh, Burgin, Burroughs, Butler, Carlson, Carter, Chalmers, Chamberlain, Childs, Claflin, Clark, Colby, Comstock, Cook, Corliss, Corruth, Cotey, Covey, Danforth, Davis, Dickinson, Easter, Eastman, Eaton, Emerson, Everett, Farnham, Fitts, Flanders, Fox, Gandy, Gilmore, Gordon, Hale, Hastings, Haynes, Hayward, Heath, Hodge, Holland, Hood, Hopkins, Houle, Hunt, Huntington, Huse, Hutchinson, Jackman, Jacobs, Jewell, Johnson, Jordan, Karlberg, Kennedy, King, Knapp, Knight, Ladd, Lea, Linton, Locke, Londry, Longo, Magoon, Martin, McCrillis, McCullough, McFarland, McKenzie, McLam, McLeod, Merrill, Metcalf, Miller, Moulton, Mugford, Murphy, Norris, Nutting, Olsen, Ordway, Page, Parker, Paronto, Perdue, Peterson, Pierson, Pray, Prescott, Richardson, Robie, Rood, Rowe, Ryder, Saia, Salomaa, Santaw, Sargent, Scribner, Scruton, Simonds, Simpson, Slack, Sleeper, Smith, Somers, Spencer, Stearns, Sumner, Sweet, Takala, Taplin, Templeton, Thompson, Thurston, Tillotson, True, Tullar, Van Bree, Varney, Washburn, Waters, Welch, Welton, White, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Withington, Woods, Worthley, Young, Zwicker
Lyman Matthews, History of the Town of Cornwall, Vermont (Middlebury, VT, 1862), p. 43-118, eight chapters in geographical order of early settler biographies
Abernathy, Andrus, Atwood, Avery, Balcom, Ballard, Bartholomew, Baxter, Bean, Bell, Benedict, Benton, Bingham, Blanchard, Blodgett, Boynton, Brown, Button, Campbell, Chapman, Chipman, Cogswell, Cook, Daggett, Davis, Delano, Delong, Douglass, Durfey, Dutcher, Dwinell, Eells, Fenn, Field, Foot, Ford, Frost, Gale, Gibbs, Gilbert, Gilman, Goodrich, Hall, Hamlin, Hathaway, Holley, Hull, Huntington, Hurlbut, Ingraham, Ives, Jackson, Janes, Johnson, Jones, Judd, Kellogg, Lane, Langdon, Lewis, Lindsey, Mallory, Mead, Minor, Morgan, Newell, Norton, Nutting, Parker, Parkill, Peck, Peet, Pennoyer, Plumb, Post, Powers, Pratt, Pritchard, Reeve, Richardson, Robbins, Rockwell, Rogers, Samson, Sanford, Scott, Scovell, Seymour, Slade, Sperry, Squire, Stebbins, Sterling, Stickney, Stevens, Stockwell, Stone, Tambling, Throop, Tilden, Tolman, Warner, Watrous, Wheeler, Williamson, Woodward, Wooster
J. C. Williams, The History and Map of Danby, Vermont (Rutland, VT, 1869, reprint Danby, VT, 1976) [Joann H. Nichols, Index to the History and Map of Danby, Vermont (Brattleboro, VT, 1998)], “Family Sketches,” 101-288, surnames alphabetical [some out of order, but within the same first letter]
Allen, Andrus, Andrews, Armstrong, Arnold, Avery, Axtel, Baker, Ballard, Bancroft, Barlow, Bartlett, Barrett, Barnes, Barnum, Barnard, Baxter, Bell, Benson, Bishop, Boyce, Bourne, Bradley, Brock, Broughton, Bromley, Brown, Brownell, Bruce, Bucklin, Buffum, Bull, Button, Burt, Buxton, Calkins, Canfield, Caswell, Chase, Chittenden, Clark, Colvin, Congdon, Congor, Connors, Comstock, Cook, Crandall, Croff, Crowley, Dart, Davis, Dexter, Dickinson, Dillingham, Dougan, Dow, Earl, Eastman, Eaton, Edmunds, Eddy, Edgerton, Eggleston, Emmerson, Fish, Fisk, Flint, Folger, Fowler, Fox, Frink, Frazer, Frost, Gage, Gilbert, Gifford, Gillmore, Griffith, Green, Grinnell, Hadwin, Haley, Handy, Hall, Harnden, Hart, Harrington, Haskins, Haviland, Hays, Hawley, Healey, Herrick, Hill, Hilliard, Hitt, Holton, Horton, Hulett, Hunt, Hutchins, Irish, Jenkins, Jenks, Johnson, Johnston, Kelley, King, Kingsbury, Lake, Lane, Lapham, Latten, Learned, Leggett, Lewis, Lillie, Lincoln, Lyon, Lobdel, Locke, Louin, Mabbit, McDaniels, Matteson, Mathewson, Maranville, Marshall, Maxhan, Micks, Milott, Millard, Moody, Mott, Morrison, Mulford, Neal, Nichols, Northrup, Otis, Palmer, Panton, Parris, Phillips, Pierce, Porter, Potter, Priest, Prindle, Ragan, Randall, Rawles, Reed, Risdon, Roberts, Rogers, Ross, Rowley, Rudd, Sargents, Saulsbury, Sava, Scott, Seley, Sheldon, Sherman, Signor, Smith, Soper, Southwick, Sowle, Sprague, Stafford, Staples, Stimson, Stone, Sweat, Tabor, Taft, Thompson, Tolman, Tryon, Tucker, Vail, Vance, Vaughan, Viol, Wade, Waldo, Ward, Weed, Weller, Wells, Wetherby, Wheeler, Whipple, White, Willard, Williams, Wilbur, Willis, Wing, Wood, Wooden, Wynne, Youngs
Cecile B. Hay and Mildred B. Hay, History of Derby (Littleton, N.H., 1967), no genealogy section, but sketches appeared under “Derby Center” (p. 73-90), “Derby Line Village” (p. 182-185), and “Personalities” (p. 222-234).
Bates, Baxter, Benham, Carpenter, Foster, Grout, Hinman, Kingsbury, Nelson, Silver, Stewart
Alice Crosby Loomis and Frances Walker Manix, Dummerston: An “Equivalent Lands” Town, 1753-1986 (Putney, VT, 1990), no genealogy section, but sketches of “famous” residents under “People” (p. 183-215), indexed
Aiken, Brodhead, Bunker, Burnett, Durfee, Dutton, Falk, Flaherty, Hayes, Kipling, Knight, Mansfield, Miller, Reed, Spaulding, Tier, Van de Water, Wilson
Andrew N. Adams, A History of the Town of Fair Haven, Vermont (Fair Haven, VT, 1870), “Biographical and Family Notices” (Note: Only alphabetical order by first letter of the surname), p. 281-510
Adams, Ainsworth, Allard, Allen, Ames, Atherton, Ashley, Backus, Barber, Barnes, Barry, Bates, Beaman, Beddow, Berto, Bibbins, Bigelow, Billings, Blakesley, Blanchard, Blenerhassett, Bosworth, Bowen, Brady, Brainard, Briggs, Bristol, Bronson, Brown, Bullock, Burns, Cady, Campbell, Capen, Carpenter, Caton, Chamberlain, Chandler, Christie, Church, Claghorn, Clark, Cleveland, Cobb, Colburn, Coleman, Colton, Cook, Coon, Crane, Culver, Cushman, Cutler, Darling, Davey, Davis, Dennis, Dennison, Dewey, Dibble, Dickinson, Dobbin, Dodge, Doolittle, Downey, Drury, Dunahue, Durand, Durkee, Dutton, Dwyer, Eddy, Eggleston, Ellis, Estey, Fish, Foster, Gilbert, Goodrich, Graves, Greenough, Guilford, Hall, Hamilton, Harrington, Haskins, Hawkins, Hawley, Hennessey, Hibbard, Hickok, Hill, Holden, Holmes, Holt, Howard, Huffman, Hunter, Hurlburt, Inman, James, Johnson, Jones, Judkins, Keating, Kelsey, Kidder, Kilbourn, Kingsland, Kittredge, Leonard, Lewis, Linkfield, Loveland, Lynde, Lyon, Manning, Maranville, Markham, McArthur, McFarland, McWithey, Meachum, Merritt, Miller, Mills, Minot, Mitchell, Moore, Morse, Morton, Munger, Newland, Norton, Olney, Orms, Orton, Parker, Parkill, Parmenter, Perkins, Persons, Petty, Priest, Proctor, Punderson, Putnam, Quinton, Race, Ranney, Reed, Rice, Robinson, Rogers, Rood, Ruggles, Ryder, Safford, Scott, Sharp, Sheldon, Sherwood, Shirland, Slyter, Smith, Snell, Spooner, Sproat, Standish, Stannard, Stetson, Stevens, Stone, Stonnage, Stratton, Sutliff, Taylor, Thomas, Throop, Town, Trowbridge, Vaughn, Wakefield, Walker, Ward, Warner, Warren, Watkins, Watson, Webster, Wells, Wescott, Whipple, Whitehouse, Whitlock, Wiggins, Wilder, Willard, Wilmot, Witherell, Wood, Wright
Fairfax, Vermont: Its Creation and Development (Fairfax, VT, 1980), no genealogy section, but short notices under “Early Settlers & First Town Meeting” (p. 9-14)
Barnett, Beeman, Belcher, Bellows, Brush, Buck, England, Farnsworth, Grout, Hawley, Lawton, Lovegrove, Orton, Russell, Safford, Shepardson, Spafford, Story, Ufford, Wilkins
Eleanor Wheeler Ballway, ed., A Genealogical Study of Some Families who Came to Fletcher, Vt. Before 1850 and of a Few of Their Descendants (Burlington, VT, 1981), surname index, 91 pp.
Armstrong, Bailey, Bingham, Blair, Boozan, Boynton, Carpenter, Chase, Church, Cox, Danforth, Ellinwood, Ellsworth, Flanders, Flynn, Foss, Flynn, French, Fullerton, Gilliglan, Hooper, Howrigan, King, Kingsley, Lamb, Leach, Montague, Parsons, Robinson, Rowley, Rugg, Scott, Shepardson, Sloan, Spaulding, Taylor, Tinker, Wells, Wetherbee, White
Martha Hanna Towle, A History of Franklin: Past and Present, Fact or Fancy, Legend or Folsay: 1789-1989 (S.l., 1989), “Our Families,” p. 213-288 (occasionally slightly out of order and a small “Canadian” section at the end), indexed
Abell, Ashton, Austin, Barnum, Beatty, Bell, Benjamin, Bishop, Bouchard, Boudreau, Bowen, Briggs, Brown, Bulles, Carswell, Colton, Columb, Dandurand, Dassance, Dewing, Dunham, Durack, Durenleau, Elwood, Everson, Favreau, Felton, Flintom, Forsyth, Fregeau, Gaboriault, Gallup, Gates, Geno, Giddings, Glidden, Godin (in Canadian section, too), Granger, Grant, Greene, Greenfield, Grice, Hammond, Hefflon, Hibbard, Hopkins, Horskin, Hubbard, Hull, Irish, Jette, Johnson, Larose, Larsen, Lothian, Magnant, Maitland, Manley, Marsh, Marvin, McDermott, Mercier, Messier, Mullen, Neveu, Olds, Olmstead, Paradis, Patton, Pearson, Peaslee, Peckham, Phillips, Powers, Pratt, Prouty, Rainville (in Canadian section, too), Record, Richard, Riley, Russell (one section in “P”), Samson, Sanderson, Shedd, Stanley, Tatro, Titemore, Towle, Truax, Webster, Wescott, White, Whitney, Wilder, Willard, Worman, Wright, Yates
Arlene J. Martell, Families of Georgia (Georgia, VT, 2001), about 900 pp., no pagination, eighty-six family “charts” in alphabetical followed by an index for each section
Abell, Alexander, Austin, Ballard, Basford, Bevins, Blair, Blake, Blatchley, Bliss, Bombard, Bovat, Bowker, Boyden, Bragg, Brooks, Bushnell, Caldwell, Carr, Clark, Cleveland, Cline, Coburn, Colton, Conger, Cushman, Decker, Dee, Dinsmore, Evarts, Fairbanks, Fairchild, Gabaree, Greene, Hale, Hinckley, Hotchkiss, Howard, Hubbard, Hurlburt, Hyde, Joslen, Judd, Kempton, Ladd, Ladue, Laflin, Lapoint, Lombard, Loomis, Martell, Maxfield, Meigs, Murray, Newton, Ye, Palmer, Pattee, Percival, Perigo, Perry, Pierce, Post, Preston, Purmort, Rankin, Reynolds, Sabin, Shepard, Skelly, Smith, Stanley, Stannard, Stevens, Sweeney, Torrey, Turner, Van Gilder, Wagner, Waller, Webster, White, Wilcox, Williams Witters, Wood
Five Dollars and a Jug of Rum: The History of Grafton, Vermont 1754-2000 (Grafton, VT, 1999), “Early Settlers” (brief notes), p. 184-188, “Family Portraits,” p. 189-208
Bailey, Baird, Barrett, Bell, Blood, Burgess, Converse, Culver, Daniel, Davis, Dean, Dwinell, Fairbank, Fisher, Gilson, Gleason, Goodridge, Hayward, Hill, Holmes, Jones, Lawrence, Lockerby, Palmer, Park, Parker, Pettinggill, Prouty, Putnam, Rounds, Sherwin, Smith, Spring, Stiles, Tenney, Thompson, Turner, Unwin, Walker, Whitcomb, Wilbur, Wilson, Woodard, Wright, Wyman, Zuill
Allen L. Stratton, History of the South Heroe Island Being the Towns of South Hero and Grand Isle Vermont: Being an Account from the Earliest Settlement of a Unique and Remarkable Lake Champlain Island Community with its Rich Historical Background and the Rare Heritage Given by its People (Burlington, VT, 1980), in 2 vols., “Biographies,” p. 437-498 (French-Canadian section, English name in italics), 575-775, 775-788 (addendum)
Adams, Allen, Atkins, Beardsley, Blau (Blow), Boardman, Boucher (Bushway), Boulanger (Baker), Brown, Campbell, Cardinal, Center, Challis, Chamberlin, Clapp, Clark, Conner, Coonley, Cooper, Corbin, Courtois (Cootware), Croteau (Croto), Davison, Dixon, Dubé (Duba), Dubeau (Tourville), Dubuc (Dubuque), Dufresne (Fresne), Farrell, Ferris, Fletcher, Fleury, Folsom, Germain (Billings), Giguére (Gigger), Gordon, Griffith, Griswold, Hakins, Hall, Hatch, Hazen, Hoag, Hodgkins, Hyde, Jackson, Janes, Keeler, Kent, Kibbe, Kinney, La Roque (Rock), Ladd, Landon, Larose, Laurent (Larrow), Lefebvre (Bean), Loveland, Lyon, Marcheterre (Mashtare), Macomber, Martel, Martin, Mercier (Mercy), Minckler, Mix, Mott, Paquet (Poquette), Parisot (Parizo), Parker, Patenaude (Patno), Pearl, Pelton, Perreault (Parrott), Peters, Pfeiffer (Feefee), Phelps, Pixley, Ratté (Ratta), Reynolds, Robilliard (Robyor), Robinson, Rockwell, Rousseau, St.-Martin (Martin), St-Onge (Santor), Sampson, Saucier (Socia), Sawyer, Slosson, Stark, Sylvester, Tétreau (Tatro), Thibeault (Tebeau), Thomas, Tobias, Tracy, Vandal (Vondle), Wadsworth, Wheeler, Wilcox, Winters
Jan Bender, ed., A History of the Town of Grand Isle as told by the People of the Town (Grand Isle, VT, 1991), no genealogy, but a section called “The People,” p. 30-41
Bullis, Dubuque, Gordon, Hoag, Paradee, Socia
Susan Bartlett Weber, ed., The History of Greensboro: The First Two Hundred Years (Barre, VT, 1990), “Greensboro Families Before 1850,” p. 201-234, indexed (does not include genealogies) [Note: The genealogies are written by Patricia L. Haslam.]
Austin, Babbitt, Babcock, Bailey, Blake, Blanchard, Brown, Cate, Contant, Cook, Crane, Cutler, Cutting, Eastman, Eddy, Ellsworth, Freeman, Glidden, Green, Grow, Haines, Hale, Harriman, Hatch, Hill, Huntington, Lincoln, Macomber, Marsh, Mingo, Page, Pinney, Porter, Powers, Rand, Randall, Rice, Ring, Rollins, Sawyer, Scott, Shepard, Sherburn, Sherman, Smith, Stanley, Stevens, Stimson, Tolman, Vance, Walton, Waugh, Wood, Woodmansee
Everett Chamberlain Benton, A History of Guildhall, Vt., Containing Some Account of the Place – of its First Settlement in 1764, and the Principle Improvements Made, and Events which have Occurred down to 1886 – a Period of One Hundred and Twenty Years. With Various Genealogical Records, and Biographical Sketches of Families and Individuals, Some Deceased, and Others Still Living. Together with a Brief Sketch of Essex County, Vermont (Waverly, MA, 1886), p. 205-266 (in no order)
Allin, Ames, Amy, Bailey/Bayley (in two places), Barrett, Barron, Beard, Benton, Berry, Boyce, Bucknam, Burge, Burton, Call, Chase, Chessman, Cobb, Crawford, Cummings, Culter, Cushman, Dale, Dana, Denison, Dewey, Drew, Emery, Fiske, Flanders, Follansby, Foote, Ford, Freeman, Grannis, Grout, Hadlock, Hall, Hartshorn, Hendrick, Heyward, Hopkins, Hopkinson, Howe, Hubbard, Judd, Keith, Kent, Leith, Marshall, Meacham, Morse, Peabody, Poole, Rich, Rosebrook, Rogers, Rowell, Schoff, Shaw, Small, Smith (in two places), Tisdale, Waid, Washburn, Webb (in two places), Wells (in two places), Wheeler, Whiting, Willard, Willey
Official History: Guilford, Vermont, 1678-1961 (Guilford, VT, 1961), p. 409-526, indexed (does not include genealogies)
Adler, Akeley, Aldrich, Allen, Andrews, Anthony, Ashworth, Baker, Barber, Barney, Beals, Bell, Benedict, Betterley, Biddle, Black, Borkowski, Bowen, Boyd, Brewster, Brown, Bullock, Campbell, Canedy, Carpenter, Castle, Chase, Clark, Coffin, Coleman, Coombs, Cudworth, Cutting, Davis, Denison, Drury, Evans, Farnum, Fairbank, Fisher, Fitch, Franklin, French, Gaines, Gale, Gallup, Garland, Gates, Glover, Goodnow, Greenleaf, Hall, Hartwell, Hebden, Henry, Herrmann, Higley, Hinman, Horton, Houghton, Hubbell, Ingram, Jacobs, Jameson, Jaqueth, Jennison, Johnson, Kemp, Kenny, King, Larock, Lazelle, Lee, Lindemann, Lucas, Lynde, MacLeod, Martin, Mather, Mellen, Merritt, Mettey, Miller, Miner, Morrill, Morrison, Morse, Mowry, Nash, Newcomb, Nobbs, Ogden, Paulman, Petrie, Phelps, Pierce, Pond, Pratt, Prince, Prouty, Quinn, Reed, Rice, Richmond, Rix, Rogers, Rose, Ryder, Scranton, Searles, Severance, Shallow, Sikes (Sykes), Smith, Squiers, Standish, Stark, Starr, Stebbins, Taylor, Thayer, Thomas, Thompson, Thurber, Tracy, Trendell, Tubbs, Tuttle, Washburn, Watson, Weatherhead, Webster, Weeks, Wellman, White, Whittemore, Williamson, Winchester, Wonsey, Worden, Yeaw
The Story of Hancock, Vermont, 1780-1964, with Supplement to 1969 (Hancock, VT, 1969), “Pioneers / Descendants of Pioneers,” p. 8-12 (literally, one to three sentences on pioneers and an alphabetical list for descendants [not included here])
Butts, Cady, Church, Cummings, Darling, Dolbear, Dolby, Flint, Howland, Lacca, Safford, Smith, Sprague, Washburn
William Howard Tucker, History of Hartford, Vermont, July 4, 1761 – April 4, 1889 (Burlington, VT, 1889), p. 408-476, indexed (does not include genealogies)
Bartholomew, Bugbee, Delano, Dutton, Gillett, Hazen, Leavitt, Lyman, Marsh, Newton, Pinneo, Richards, Savage, Sprague, Strong, Tilden, Tracy, Trumbull, Tucker, Whitney
Allen L. Stratton, History, Town of Isle La Motte, Vermont: An Account of the Discovery, Settlement and Interesting and Remarkable Events (Barre, VT, 1984), p. 235-432, indexed
Blanchard, Bowman, Carew (Caron), Clark, Cooper, Dawson, Dean, Doolin, Dubé (Duba), Eaton, Fisk, Fleury, Goodsell, Hall, Hayden, Hill, Holbrook, Holcomb, Hyde, Jarvis, Knapp, LaBombard, Lamoureux, Lengfeld, McRobert, Montgomery, Naylor, Parker, Pike, Provost, Reynolds, Ritchie, Rochester, Scott, Shirtliff, Stanhope, Stephenson, Stockman, Strong, Thomas, Trombly, Utely, Vancelet, Wait, Wales